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  • Are you doing great work? Or merely good work?

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Are you doing great work? Or merely good work? 

Michael Bungay Stanier is one of the smartest people I know when it comes to understanding how to get the best – and I mean the very best – from people.His book, “Do More Great Work” is quite simply the book to read if you want to lift your game to the superlative heights you know you are capable of – or if you want to inspire others to do so.

I highly recommend you listen to my interview with Michael and discover a whole new way of thinking about performance levels.

Click here to listen to my interview with Michael Bungay Stanier.

In this interview Michael shares:

  • » His inspiring favorite quote;
  • » How ‘Box of Crayons’ is working with organizations to help them do less Good Work and more Great Work;
  • » Why a Rhodes Scholarship was a life changing moment for him;
  • » How he wrote the global vision for Glaxo Smith Kline in 25 minutes (!);
  • » How and why he left Australia and ended up in Toronto, Canada;
  • » His thoughts on being an entrepreneur;
  • » How your choices can affect achieving a meaningful life;
  • » What he describes is his personal vision and his values;
  • » His training program for managers and leaders – practical coaching skills;
  • » How to build a sustainable business;
  • » How we can all do more great work;
  • » How to get out of the treadmill of constant good work;
  • » What’s in his ‘tool box’;
  • » How to make choices about what you say yes to;
  • » His favorite exercise map for business planning;

Click here to listen to my interview with Michael Bungay Stanier.

Get a free copy of Do More Great Work

Get a free copy of “Do More Great Work”

Want to know how to move from merely doing ‘good work’ to consistently achieving great work? Then you need a copy of Michael Bungay Stanier’s excellent book, “Do More Great Work” – and you can get one free, right here!

Simply use the form below to give us your feedback – comments, questions or observations on Les’s interview with Michael and you’ll be entered in a draw to receive a free copy of Michael’s book “Do More Great Work”. You can submit your comment, observation or questions here:



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