Sarah Robinson knows more about building truly vibrant communities than anyone else I know.
Now, don’t get me wrong: there are many people who make more noise about it – ‘community’ is the meme-of-the-moment, and you can’t drop a quarter on a street-corner without 25 so-called social media / community-building experts picking it up and trying to sell it back to you.
Sarah differs in one vital way from most of the others who talk about community building: She’s actually done it.
In real life. With real businesses, for-profit and not for profits – and not just once, but many times. She knows of what she speaks from hard-won experience – as you’ll hear in this great interview, in which she explains the principles of building truly vibrant communities from her new book, Fierce Loyalty.
Fair disclosure: Sarah is a friend of mine, and I’ve had the pleasure of watching from the sidelines as she crafted ‘Fierce Loyalty’. I wrote the foreword for the book – not only because she is a friend, but because she has written a damn fine book, one that everyone in business should read.
Listen to my interview with Sarah below, and get the book here (Kindle or printed version).
(Running time is approximately 34 minutes.)
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