Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

  • minute read

Russell Bishop 

Russell Bishop is a multi-faceted consultant, Senior Editor-at-Large for the Huffington Post and the author of ‘Workarounds That Work: How to Conquer Anything That Stands in Your Way at Work’ (McGraw-Hill, 2010).

In this interview Russell shares:

  • » How his training as an educational psychologist led him to a fascination with experimental learning;
  • » The word-of-mouth success of his first business that grew to 33 countries world-wide;
  • » Where the idea came from for his book ‘Workarounds That Work’;
  • Workarounds That Work: How to Conquer Anything That Stands in Your Way at Work
  • » What he learned from David Allen when he hired him to work for him;
  • » What happened when he ‘failed retirement’;
  • » His post-’retirement’ career with Accenture Consulting’s Change Strategy practice;
  • » What he learned working with the ‘Getting To Yes’ consulting team;
  • » The difference between research and plagiarism;
  • » How he helps people get the life they want, rather than the one they settled for;
  • » Which of the ‘versions’ of his life and career has most satisfied him;
  • » What the main benefit is of reading ‘Workarounds that Work’ and how to get the most from reading it;
  • » What his day / week / month looks like now – his ideal client and project;
  • » What he would like to do next; …and much more

You can read more about Russell’s newest book, “Workarounds That Work: How to Conquer Anything That Stands in Your Way at Work“, and purchase it, by clicking here.

(Running time is approximately 30 minutes.)

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