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  • How to set your team up for success in the New Year.

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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How to set your team up for success in the New Year. 

NL_ActionPuzzle2My biggest business concern/planning challenge heading into the new year is: ___________.

How do I get my team aligned for the new year, so that rather than just delivering the status quo, we’ll execute our strategic plan and take our organization to the next level?

In this audio clip, Les McKeown shares the essential element necessary for translating your strategic plan into action, along with three specific tips on how to make it happen.

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Right-click below to download the mp3 file Click below to download in iTunes
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Additional Resources:

– Take the Synergist Quiz to identify your leadership style, if you haven’t already done so.
– Are you a Visionary? Here are two articles that may be helpful to you:
Are you a Change Agent or an Arsonist?
How to Get Out of Your Own Way
– Discover what motivates the Operators on your team and how best to reach them by watching this webinar: Working With (or for) an Operator.


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