Do Scale Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1: What Does It Really Mean to ‘Scale’?


Do Scale-3D

In this first chapter, we defined the terms: what exactly do we mean when we talk about 'scale', 'scaling' and 'scalability'.

To enable you to gain clarity and develop your own Scale Vision, you can access the tools for Chapter 1 by simply clicking the links below to go through the resources.

Chapter 1 Resources


Before you dive deeper into Do Scale, please take a moment to fill out the short worksheet below. Record your initial thoughts on what you hope to gain from reading the book.

While you will certainly benefit from executing the exercises in these worksheets on your own, one of the big pieces of feedback we regularly receive is how much people gain when they discuss it in a group setting.

Whether it’s the team you work with, a book group or any other group, discussing and debating the concepts in Do Scale will draw out even more of the good stuff than simply working through them on your own.

Click here to access this resource.

download: scalability matrix

The Scalability Matrix is a graphical illustration of the Predictable Success Imperatives.

There are 13 such Imperatives, competency in each of which is required to get into, and stay in the Predictable Success Growth Stage

Download the Scalability Matrix here.

VIDEO: Where To Start When You Don’t Know Where To Start

In this video Les discusses where to start with the Scalability Matrix and showcases the 13 things that you've got to get right in order to be in that stage of growth that we call Predictable Success.

Watch the Video here.

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