Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

  • minute read

David Siteman Garland 

David Siteman Garland is the Founder of The Rise To The Top,
 which he humbly describes as ‘the #1 non-boring resource for building your business’ and is the author of ‘Smarter, Faster,

Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business’ (Wiley Publishing, 2010).


In this interview David shares:

    • » What he learned about business from marketing in-line hockey sponsorships
    • » How he discovered that ‘money follows passion’ – not the other way round
    • » Where the idea came from for his web site ‘The Rise to the Top’

Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business

  • » What he has learned from interviewing over 275 entrepreneurs
  • » How his personal social style has energized what he does
  • » What he would like to change most about what he does
  • » Why he prefers outsourcing to direct hiring
  • » How he battles the loneliness of entrepreneurship
  • » Why he wrote ‘Smarter, Faster, Cheaper‘ and how the book came into being
  • » The 30-second reason you should buy his book – even if you’re not a reader
  • » What the book teaches you about how to market your business
  • » The importance of being an ‘educator’ and giving away your content
  • » The one person whose marketing model he most admires, and why; …and much more


(Running time is approximately 30 minutes.)

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