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  • 37 minutes of the best pre-start-up advice I’ve ever heard

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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37 minutes of the best pre-start-up advice I’ve ever heard 

Carol Roth
Carol Roth is a business strategist Investment banker, and deal maker who has helped her clients raise more than $1 billion in capital, complete hundreds of millions of dollars in M&A transactions, secure high-profile licensing and partnership deals, create brand loyalty programs and more.
A frequent radio, television and print media contributor on the topics of business and entrepreneurship, Carol is also the author of ‘The Entrepreneur Equation: Evaluating the Realities, Risks and Rewards of Having Your Own Business’ (Ben Bella, 2011).
In this interview Carol shares:
  • » The role of ADD in deciding to become an investment banker after graduating from Wharton;
  • » The weird energy she gives off and the random interactions that result;
  • » Why she left a major firm to set up her own firm;
  • » Where the idea came from for her book ‘The Entrepreneur Equation’;
  • » Why there’s a need for a ‘screening process’ for entrepreneurship, and what it should entail;
  • » What business lust is, and why it always leads to regret;
  • » The TOP analysis (Timing, Opportunity and Personality) and what it means for potential entrepreneurs;
  • » What a ‘jobbie’ is and how it can distract you from building a scalable business;
  • » Who your boss really is when you start your own business, and what you have to do to get a paycheck from them;
  • » The role of ego in building a scalable business;
  • » The difference between being a ‘Santa’ and an ‘Elf’ in business;
  • » How you can get a fashion doll of Carol – just as she looks on the cover of the book (really);
  • » What Eric Cartman from South Park has to say about entrepreneurship; …and much more

You can read more about Carol’s new book, “The Entrepreneur Equation“, and order it, by clicking here

(Running time is approximately 30 minutes.)


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