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Predictable Success Public Workshop on in Washington, DC. 

  • Are you truly serious about not just growing, but scaling your business?
  • Are you struggling to scale your not-for-profit, church, faith-based organization, charity or NGO?

If the answer to either of these questions is ‘Yes’, then you should register now for Les McKeown’s only Predictable Success Public Workshop in 2018.

Predictable Success Public Workshop September 6, 2018

  • Are you truly serious about not just growing, but scaling your business?
  • Are you struggling to scale your not-for-profit, church, faith-based organization, charity or NGO?

If the answer to either of these questions is ‘Yes’, then you should register now for Les McKeown’s only Predictable Success Public Workshop in 2018.

Who is the workshop for? Watch the video to find out if the Predictable Success Public Workshop is right for you.

This one-day workshop will give you everything you need to:

  • Understand precisely where you are on the seven stages of growth every organization goes through
  • Identify clearly which stage you want to get to, and
  • Build a powerful, immediately implementable Predictable Success Action Plan that you can take back and get started on the very next day!

These slots are all gone, but you can still register to get laser-like clarity on the six-to-nine key changes that will immediately set your organization on the path to scaling! 

Register Now for the Predictable Success Public Workshop 

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“So, how do you know that this workshop is right for you?”


The answer lies in the Predictable Success process.


Predictable Success isn’t an academic model or a hypothetical theory – it’s a proven, tried and true, real-world process that enables any organization to scale successfully. Over the last 25 years the Predictable Success model has been used to scale literally in hundreds of businesses, not-for-profits, faith-based organizations and NGOs – just like yours.


Whether you’re for-profit, or not-for-profit, the Predictable Success process holds true. Examples of organizations we’ve worked with include:

  • A 10-person graphic design agency.
  • A 30,000-employee national security agency.
  • The largest wood window manufacturer in the world.
  • The second largest evangelical church group in the US.
  • An industrial drain manufacturer.
  • A lobbying company in the renewable energy industry.
  • The publisher of two of the most-read business magazines in the world.

…and many, many more.


The Predictable Success process is intuitive and non-complex – you will begin implementing your Predictable Success Action Plan as soon as you leave the workshop. By the end of the workshop, you will have laser-like clarity on the six-to-nine key changes that will immediately set your organization on the path to scaling.

These slots are all gone, but you can still register to build a powerful, immediately implementable Predictable Success Action Plan that you can take back and get started on the very next day!  

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What They Say About Predictable Success

Predictable Success really captures the integration of key business processes, people, and leadership to consistently deliver a compelling vision, comprehensive plan, and profitable growth for the benefit of all stakeholders. – Allan Mullaly, President & CEO, Ford Motor Co.

Les McKeown is absolutely on top of his game. Les not only knows – and shows – how your businesses can grow and succeed, he explains it in a way that is intuitive, entertaining and immediately actionable. – Darryl Hutson, CEO, American Express Incentive Services

Les McKeown has for over 7 years assisted us in the growth and development of our distributorship network. His understanding of what makes a business succeed – and a passionate commitment to teaching others how to accomplish ‘Predictable Success’ – has been our secret weapon and can be yours, too. – Mel Haught, CEO, Pella Corp.


Meet the Presenter

Les McKeown, President & CEO
of Predictable Success

Your workshop presenter isn’t a business academic or ‘consultant – when it comes to business growth, Les McKeown has ‘been there, done that’. After starting more than 40 companies in his own right, Les became the co-founder an incubation consulting company that advised on the creation and growth of literally hundreds of organizations worldwide, with at it’s peak 13 offices in 7 countries worldwide.

Now Les advises CEOs and senior leaders of organizations just like yours on how to achieve scalable, sustainable growth, speaks to Fortune 500 companies about his breakthrough strategies, is one of Inc.’s top contributing authors.

He is also the author of three books on growth leadership, one a Wall St Journal and USA Today bestseller, and a much-in-demand public speaker.

“I’ve spent 35 years successfully teaching, training and coaching people in the Predictable Success business growth process and seen organizations transformed, and people’s careers and personal lives immeasurably enhanced as a result of it.”

Register Now for the Predictable Success Public Workshop 

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What is the single most important reason to attend the Predictable Success Public Workshop? Watch the video to find out what past participants have to say the about attending the live event.

Included in the Predictable Success
Public Workshop

AM: Session 1 {The Predictable Success Lifecycle}

Goal: Understand the seven growth stages every organization goes through, learn which stage your organization is in, and discover how to get to (and stay in) the peak stage, ‘Predictable Success’.

Key Content:

  • Understand the seven stages of organizational growth
  • Know which stages are ‘good’ and which are ‘bad’
  • Learn the key characteristics of each stage
  • Identify which stage you are in
  • Learn how to move from one stage to another
  • Discover how successful organizations get to (and stay in) the peak stage, ‘Predictable Success’.

AM: Session 2 {The Predictable Success Team}

Goal: Understand the four leadership styles that are needed for your organization to succeed and grow, and learn how to identify and develop all four styles in your team.

Key Content:

  • Understand the three “natural” leadership styles that emerge in every organization: Visionary, Operator and Processor
  • Learn how the three natural styles interact and why they are inherently unstable
  • Discover the fourth, hidden style – the Synergist – which removed gridlock and compromise, and unleashes team-based growth
  • Learn how to identify your own personal style, and that of your team, and how to develop the Synergist style in your organization.

PM: Session 3 {The Predictable Success Toolkit}

Goal: Identify precisely how to take your organization to the ‘peak’ stage of growth –‘Predictable Success’ (and keep it there), using an easy-to-apply diagnostic process.

Key Content:

  • Learn the 13 key factors that together take any organization into ‘Predictable Success’
  • Identify which of those key factors your organization excels in, which it could do better, and (most importantly) which you need to radically overhaul in order to get to (and stay in) Predictable Success
  • Use a simple diagnostic framework to prioritize the specific next steps you should take to improve those selected key factors.
  • Choose specific tools from the Predictable Success growth toolkit which will radically accelerate your organization’s ability to take each step.

PM: Session 4 {Building Your Action Plan}

Goal: Take the whole of the day’s learning and produce 6 to 9 key action points to implement over the next six months, together with associated dates and milestones.

Key Content:

  • Identify the 3 top implementation points from each of the day’s previous sessions
  • Use the diagnostic framework and specific tools identified in session 3 to produce an action plan (including dates and milestone) for those 9 implementation points
  • Brainstorm with others in smaller groups to validate your own action plan (and theirs)
  • Stress-test your Action Plan with detailed, hands-on, personal feedback from Les.

These slots are all gone, but you can still register to build a powerful, immediately implementable Predictable Success Action Plan that you can take back and get started on the very next day!  

Do you have questions about the workshop? 

Are you considering attending the workshop, yet you are unsure if it is what you need right now? Perhaps you want to wait until the time is “just right”, or your next C-Suite hire joins the organization? Watch the Q&A session below as Les answers questions from leaders like you, leaders on the fence about attending the September 6 workshop.


Register Now for the Predictable Success Public Workshop 

PS Live Workshop SOLD OUT
*Note that the 2 hours post-workshop implementation consulting is per registering organization, not per participant.

*Registration fee does not include hotel accommodations

About the Venue

The workshop will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel located at 2500 Calvert St NW, Washington, DC 20008. The hotel is nestled on 11 acres overlooking Rock Creek National Park, the Omni Shoreham Hotel offers a peaceful “Resort in the City” ambiance in the exclusive Woodley Park neighborhood.

Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC- Predictable Success Public Workshop September 6Omni Shoreham Hotel offers a resort-like retreat in the midst of the nation’s capital. 

There is a multitude of restaurants within easy walking distance. The Capitol offices, White House, museums of the Smithsonian Institution and Walter E. Washington Convention Center are all easily accessible from the Metro Red Line Station, just a three-minute walk from the hotel. The hotel provides several amenities including a spa, fitness center and pool.



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