The Pathfinder Program

The Challenge:

Your fast-growing company is experiencing complexity that is stalling forward progress and your team is:

  • Repeatedly dropping the ball and paying for mistakes.
  • Lacking effective implementation and accountability for decisions made.
  • Infighting, finger-pointing and forming silos.
  • Feeling that things just aren’t ‘Fun’ anymore.
The Pathfinder Program follows our proven methodology of diagnose, plan and implement and takes your senior team through the complete Predictable Success model at your own pace. When you’ve finished you’ll be able to:
  • Make great decisions and implement them expertly.
  • Hire, onboard and train people while holding on to your culture.
  • Upskill your Executive team and tackle leadership turnover.
  • Deliver consistent quality at a fast pace.
  • Find the right balance between innovation and process.

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The Program:

The Pathfinder Program includes an onsite diagnostic workshop that produces a detailed action plan identifying the two areas on the Growth Index you need to work on to accelerate your journey to Predictable Success. You’ll then hold two hand-picked workshops with your team and follow that up with unlimited email access to your consultant for a specified time, access to online resources and a set of the Predictable Success series of books.

Interested in Learning More?

Download the free guide to get started.

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