Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:For many leaders, the summer is a time when things slow down a little. And

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5 Ways You Can Get Ahead This Summer

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:The first quarter of the year is a vitally important time for you and your

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7 Secrets to Q1 Success

There’s a massive difference between ‘doing’ and achieving. Think of all the actions you – and your team –  took this year…

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How to Connect Actions to Goals

Summary: If you don't have an overarching medium term goal you'll never hit your long term objectives. Here's how to set a

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An overarching medium term goal: The one thing that transforms a good leader into a GREAT one

A couple weeks ago, we used the Eisenhower Matrix to separate the 'merely' Urgent from the important, and in my last video

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How to Know What to do Next