Chapter 7: From Triangle to Pyramid: Bringing a new dimension to the group dynamic – The Synergist
In this chapter we were properly introduced to the one style which is going to help us find our way out of gridlock, The Synergist.
We saw that a Synergist is:
- Optional in group settings
- Focused on the enterprise
- A style anyone can learn (to degrees of competency)
- Only necessary in the V,O and P environment
And that a Synergist will typically:
- Regulate
- Resolve
- Interpret
- Evaluate
- Sequence and Choreograph
- Connect
- Harmonize
- Move things forward
Finally we saw that a synergist can appear in a number of different ways:
- Evolved through a V,O and P team
- As a Visionary+Synergist
- As a Processor+Synergist
- As an Operator+Synergist
- As a naturally occuring Synergist
The resources for this chapter will allow you to go deeper into learning about the Synergist, what characteristics they have and where the emerge from.
Chapter 7 Resources
Worksheet: The Synergist
This worksheet takes you through the key themes of the chapter including; characteristics of a Synergist, what a Synergist does and where they emerge from.
Activity: Comparing the Styles
We’ve now seen the characteristics, behaviours and motivations of each of the four styles; The Visionary, Operator, Processor and Synergist. Now it’s time to compare them side by side. This activity will walk you through the process of completing a definitive profile for each style.
You’ll find a number of postings from Les’s blog on the Synergist. Click here to access.
External Resource: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Patrick Lencioni
Patrick Lencioni has written a series of books which are complimentary to much of the content in both Predictable Success and The Synergist.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is one such book. Whilst The Synergist looks at the root cause behind team dysfunction, the people, Lencioni looks at the symptoms, bad meetings.
This book provides some good examples of dysfunctional team interactions and, once you’ve solved the underlying problem, will provide some tactical suggestions for conducting better meetings.
External Resource: Buffett – The Making of An American Capitalist
In his early days Warren Buffett was a Processor through and through. You don’t get a reputation as the world’s greatest investor without the attention to detail and process that a Processor naturally possesses.
As the activity of Berkshire Hathway evolved from purely buying stock to buying complete companies, Buffett too underwent an evolution from a Processor to a Synergist leading a full blown operating company.
This book, by Roger Lowenstein, outlines that journey and provides some great insight into the mind of one of America’s greatest business leaders. Well worth the read.
Take the Synergist Styles Quiz
Are you a Visionary, an Operator or a Processor – or a mix of each? Find out what your personal style is by taking The Synergist style quiz (it’s free).
Click this link to be taken to the quiz – and don’t forget to use the option on the final screen to send your results to me for a free detailed analysis.
Interpreting your VOP-S Scores
An in-depth analysis of your scores from our Leadership Styles quiz.
Once you’ve taken the Leadership Styles quiz, and received your results, watch this short video to get a deeper understanding of what your scores mean.
Not taken the assessment yet? Click here to access it.