Proven Blueprints to Launch, Grow and Lead any Organization with Predictable Success

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Learn how we can help you successfully launch your new venture, whether it's a for-profit business or a not-for-profit:

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If your existing organization isn't experiencing the growth you need,  learn how to fix that using our proven Predictable Success model:

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You can't grow without the right people. Learn how we can help you and your team become highly effective growth leaders:

As Featured In

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What We Do

We help leaders like you launch, grow and lead successful organizations 

If you lead, or want to launch a manufacturing or service business, a not-for-profit, a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or even an NGO, we can help you attain profitable, sustainable growth.

Read more about what we do to help leaders just like you launch, grow and lead healthy, successful and sustainable organizations:

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Learn how we can help you successfully launch your new venture, whether it's a for-profit business or a not-for-profit.

With our help you can :

Launch With Confidence

Get Viable - ASAP


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If your existing organization isn't experiencing the growth you need, we can help you fix that using our proven Predictable Success model.

Find out more about how to:


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You can't grow without the right people. Learn how we can help you and your team become highly effective growth leaders:

Let us help you:


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If you haven't yet launched your new venture - or if you have only recently done so, you need to do everything you can to beat the odds and ensure that your new venture is one of the few that make it.

Read below to learn how we can help you successfully launch your new venture, whether it's a for-profit business or a not-for-profit.

The THREE Launch Blueprints

Launch Icon


Launch with Confidence

First the bad news: More than 80% of all new ventures fail within the first three years. That means a tiny minority - less than 1 in 5 - make it to viability.

Now for the good news: The Predictable Success Launch With Confidence Blueprint is a time-tested, proven route to successfully launching your new venture. It was created and developed personally by our Founder & CEO, Les McKeown, who as a serial entrepreneur himself helped launch over 40 new ventures.

By following the Predictable Success Launch With Confidence Blueprint you will substantially increase the likelihood of your new venture being in that crucially successful 20%.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You're thinking of launching (or recently have launched) a new business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO.
  • You haven't yet launched your new venture, or you did so within the last 12 months.
  • You know that the failure rate of new ventures is exceptionally high and you want to radically change the odds in your favor.
  • You relish the idea of using a proven, tested 'Launch With Confidence Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur who beat those odds repeatedly.
Achieve Viability Icon

Get Viable as soon as possible

Once you have successfully launched your new venture, we have already seen that you have one compelling imperative - reach viability as soon as possible.

Why? Because if you don't, you will eventually run out of resources and your new venture will die. As our Founder and CEO, Les McKeown puts it,

"There's only one valid strategy for a startup - and that's to stop being one."

You can reach that crucial point of viability as soon as possible - and achieve it in a sustainable manner, by following the Predictable Success Viability Blueprint.  

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You're thinking of launching (or recently have launched) a new business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO.
    You relish the idea of doing so by following a proven, tested Viability Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur.
  • You haven't yet launched your new venture, or you did so within the last 12 months and it hasn't yet reached the stage of being financially viable.
  • You know that the single most pressing issue your new venture faces is achieving viability.
  • You relish the idea of doing so by following a proven, tested Viability Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur.
Thrive Icon

Launch Blueprint 3.
Move from surviving to Thriving

Of the less-than-20% of new ventures that make it through the first three years, less than 20% of those thrive in any meaningful way. in other words, fewer than 4% of all new ventures end up sustaining more than just the original founder.

Put it another way - more than 80% of all the for-profit and not-for-profit organizations out there don't have any employees. 94% have less than $1m in revenues, and of those, most provide the original founder with less return than the average salaried employee.

If this sounds like a lot of hard work for very little return, you're right. The truth is that most for-profit founder/owners would have been better off financially had they not launched their new venture. And if your new venture is cause- or faith-based, how much can you make the change you believe in if you never have enough resources to make a real difference?

The good news is that you can use the Predictable Success Thrive Blueprint to ensure that your new venture is built to scale right from the outset.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You're thinking of launching (or recently have launched) a new business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO.
  • You haven't yet launched your new venture, or you did so within the last 12 months and it either hasn't yet reached the stage of being financially viable, or does so intermittently, before slipping back into cash flow shortages.
  • You want to move beyond lurching from cash flow challenge to cash flow challenge to establishing secure, sustainable viability and using that as a platform to begin to truly grow and thrive.
  • You relish the idea of doing so by following a proven, tested Thrive Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur who has achieved this many times for himself and has advosed, coached and counselled literally thousands of others to do likewise.
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If you lead an existing organization that isn't experiencing the growth you want, we can help you diagnose why, and provide you with the precise blueprint you need to unlock growth .

Read below to learn how we can help you unlock growth in your organization, whether it's a for-profit business or a not-for-profit.

The THREE Growth Blueprints

Catch the Growth Wave Icon

Growth Blueprint 1.
catch the GROWTH wave

Many founders are disheartened to discover that once they move out of the Launch phase, their new venture never really 'takes off'. Although they're no longer facing daily existential cash-flow challenges, nor are they creating the growth that they dreamed of when they first launched their new venture.

If your established business or not-for-profit is past the start-up phase, but hasn't really ever 'taken off' in the way you had imagined and hoped for, you need the Predictable Success Catch the Growth Wave Blueprint.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You have an already existing business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO.
  • You're successfully past the initial 'Launch' phase and have viability (i.e. you can pay the bills consistently). [Still in the Launch phase? These are the Blueprints for you.]
  • However you've never really seen the early growth that you expected, and are just 'getting by'. While you're not experiencing persistent, life-threatening cash flow crises, things are occasionally tight and you're not generating consistent surpluses.
  • You want to move beyond just 'getting by' to build a solid, healthy, consistently growing organization.
  • You relish the idea of doing so by following a proven, tested Growth Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur who has achieved this many times for himself and has advosed, coached and counselled literally thousands of others to do likewise.
Overcome Complexity Icon

Growth Blueprint 2.
overcome complexity

For those organizations that do experience good, solid (perhaps even thrilling) early growth, one thing is guaranteed: the success that accompany's growth brings with it increasing complexity, which will at some point overwhelm the management team and will cause growth to slow, if not stop it dead in it's tracks.

If you have an established business or not-for-profit that has experienced strong growth in the past, but which is currently struggling with the complexity caused by that very success, you need the Predictable Success 'Overcome Complexity' Blueprint.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You have an already existing business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO.
  • You've experienced good-to-great growth in the past.
  • Recently, it has felt like you've run into quicksand - you appear to have lost the ability to execute the way you did previously.
  • Your team seem overwhelmed, and they're spending a lot of time on remedial activity - fixing things that shouldn't have gone wrong, but did.
  • Meetings have multiplied, but it feels like you're debating the same issues over and over again.
  • You know in your gut that you need to change the way in which the organization is managed, in order to deal with the complexity brought on by past success.
  • You relish the idea of doing so by following a proven, tested 'Overcome Complexity' Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur who has achieved this transformation many times in his own ventures, and has advised, coached and counseled literally thousands of others on how to do likewise.
Explode Bureaucracy Icon

Growth Blueprint 3.
explode bureaucracy

Many organizations, even (especially) Fortune 1,000 companies, brand-name businesses and world-changing not-for-profits experience the very apex of growth and scalability before sucumbing to creeping bureaucracy, loss of creativity and innovation and rigid adherence to the status quo. Decline sets in, and the organization becomes increasingly arthritic and inflexible.

If you lead an organization where it feels like the 'glory days' have come and gone - or you fear that if something dramatic doesn't happen soon, then that's what will happen, you need the Predictable Success 'Explode Bureaucracy' Blueprint.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You lead a long-established business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO.
  • The organization excperienced good-to-great growth in the past, and had a long run 'at the top of it's game'.
  • Now, everything seems somewhat 'Ho-Hum' - it's mostly all about 'rinse and repeat', and there is no longer much in the way of innovation or risk-taking.
  • A lot of employees, including some on the management team, seem comfortable with the status quo and are unsettled by change.
  • Decision-making has become bureaucratic and clunky, leading to slow responses to external change, and sluggishness in execution.
  • You know that the way in which the organization is led and managed needs to be radically overhauled if the organization is to regain it's past success and begin to grow again.
  • You relish the idea of doing so by following a proven, tested 'Explode Bureaucracy Blueprint' developed by a seasoned, successful serial entrepreneur who has achieved this transformation many times in his own ventures, and has advised, coached and counseled literally thousands of others on how to do likewise.
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If you lead an existing organization that isn't experiencing the growth you want, we can help you diagnose why, and provide you with the precise blueprint you need to unlock growth .

Read below to learn how we can help you unlock growth in your organization, whether it's a for-profit business or a not-for-profit.

The THREE Leadership Blueprints

Become a Growth Leader Icon

Leadership Blueprint 1.
become a growth leader

At some point every leader meets a point of realization: Leading an organization is one thing. Leading it to consistent, sustained growth is another.

Making 'the railroad run on time' - block and tackling the everyday demands of running a complex organization - is challenging enough, but when you add the need to innovate, ideate, motivate and hold people accountable for sustainable growth, most leaders recognize the truth of the old adage "What got you here won't get you there."

Thats where the Predictable Success 'Become a Growth Leader Blueprint comes in.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You lead an organization, division, department, project, group or team in a business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO. 
  • You are charged with delivering sustainble, consistent growth.
  • You realize that attaining that sustainble, consistent growth requires additional leadership skils to those that have delivered the success you've achieved in the past.
  • You relish the idea of developing your growth leadership skills by following a proven, tested 'Become a Growth Leader' Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful growth leader who has advised, coached and counselled literally thousands of others on how to acquire those skills themselves.
Build Your Growth Team Icon


build your growth team

Eventually every leader realizes that if they truly want their organization to grow sustainably, they can't do it alone.

After all, there's only so many times that you can personally 'push the rock uphill' then groan inwardly when, the moment you take your eye off the ball, the rock starts sliding inexorably downhill.

Building sustainble, consistent growth is a team effort - and it's your job to build that growth team. That's why you need the Predictable Success 'Build Your Growth Team' Blueprint.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You lead an organization, division, department, project, group or team in a business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO. 
  • You are charged with delivering sustainble, consistent growth.
  • You realize that attaining that sustainble, consistent growth requires building a world-class growth team around you.
  • You either don't have that team yet, or your existing team don't have the growth leadershop skills you require.
  • You relish the idea of building your growth team by following a proven, tested Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful growth leader who has built his own growth team multipe times and has helped literally hundreds of other leaders build their growth teams.
Lead From Anywhere Icon


lead from anywhere

Truly great organizations - those that have achieved consistent, sustainble groweth over a prolonged period of time - all share one striking characteristic: in those organizations, leadership isn't confined only to those who carry status or a title.

In those organizations, leadership can emerge anywhere, at any time, in any part of the organization, exhibited by employees not with a title, but trained, empowered, motivated and encouraged to exhibit leadership in any and all situations where it's needed.

If that's the type of internal culture you would like to develop - one where leadership isn't thought of as only for a select few, but which happens directly at the point of need, then the Predictable Success 'Lead From Anywhere' Blueprint is for you.

You need this blueprint if...(toggle for more)

  • You lead an organization, division, department, project, group or team in a business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO. 
  • You are charged with delivering sustainble, consistent growth.
  • You realize that attaining that sustainble, consistent growth requires building the muscle of leadership deep into your organization, division, department, project, group or team.
  • You relish the idea of building that muscle by following a proven, tested 'Lead From Anywhere' Blueprint developed by a seasoned, successful growth leader who has helped literally hundreds of other leaders build the muscle of leadership throughout their organization.
  • Or
    You work at any level in an organization, division, department, project, group or team in a business of any type (manufacturing, service, distribution, other), or a not-for-profit, whether it's a cause- or faith-based organization, a charity or an NGO, and you want to learn how to develop and exhibit leadership when it is needed in your environment.
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