What makes a great testimonial?

While 'Les is great' is super to hear and always welcome, the best testimonials are more about specific results and outputs. 

Here are a couple of (real) examples to get your creative juices going.


Speak directly to your Peers

Here Phil leads with 'As a young leader...', which immediately resonates with other young leaders.

Feel free to directly address your peers in your testimonial.

Philip Pearson VP Sales, Alarm.com

Phil Pearson

As a young leader faced with taking on additional responsibilities, Les's coaching was invaluable. I particularly valued Les's highly personalized style - he is understanding, patient, unafraid to challenge your assumptions, and pushes you outside of your comfort zone at a very intentional pace, all the while using a high degree of EQ.

Address ROI

For anyone considering hiring a coach or consultant, it's natural to ponder the amount of investment they're about to make (I'm sure you did :-)

Here John leads with a clear statement of positive return on his investment, without mentioning specific dollar amounts. 

If you feel you can with integrity similarly convey satisfaction on your ROI, it really makes an impact.

John Vance CEO, Pella Products of Kansas City

"A great investment for me and my team."

The Predictable Success Acceleration Program has been a great investment for me and my team. It has helped us establish a shared vocabulary we now use when we talk about growth. It has been a great tool to help us openly discuss how we want to grow and the path we need to lay out to get there.

The video coaching sessions with Les have been especially useful to us as we worked through the implementation of our growth action plan. Les has helped facilitate how we can dig deeper into any execution potholes or barriers we encountered an overcome them.

Growing a business is not easy. Growing without a plan to handle the growth is a challenge. The Predictable Success Acceleration Program is helping us outline where we want to go, and how we need to build our business to get there.

Let them 'see inside the box'

In the second paragraph, Tom very helpfully lists some of the specific work we did together. This really helps potential clients get a look at what I do from the 'client side'.

Add a line or two in your testimonial that details some of the 'dirty fingernail' work we did together.

Thomas H. Douglas CEO, JMark Business Solutions, Inc

Tom Douglas

Les helped me to see where we had gaps in the business and work through the process to close them.
In our sessions we dealt with organizational issues, people issues, process issues and my own development as a leader.
I didn’t always hear what I wanted, but I always heard what I needed to hear.

Make it as long or short as feels right to you

There's no 'right length' for a testimonial - just write from the heart, and don't worry if what comes out is  a sentence or a mini-case study, 

Check out the carousel below to see some of the extracts above in their full form:

Philip Pearson VP Sales, Alarm.com
John Vance CEO, Pella Products of Kansas City
Thomas H. Douglas CEO, JMark Business Solutions, Inc
April Whitney CEO/Founder, Smalletics

"You won't find a coach with more applicable experience and a truly balanced approach."

As a young leader faced with taking on additional responsibilities, Les's coaching was invaluable.

Specifically, Les helped me with:

° Adjusting my leadership style to grow from providing purely operational support to leading a large sales organization.

° Learning how to lead using my strongest personality characteristic.

° Learning to manage subordinate VPs and Directors who were often 10-30 years older than me.

° Demystifying "executive presence" and overcoming "imposter syndrome"

Les helped me distill down a big swirl of personal challenges, insecurities, and objectives into a specific set of goals. We defined specific deliverables to make sure the coaching wasn't too "soft" or high-level and met bi-weekly to review progress and break down the challenges. Conversations were very open and transparent.

Thanks to Les's coaching I gained

- an immense amount of confidence,
- better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses,
- additional perspective into leadership.

I particularly valued Les's highly personalized style - he is understanding, patient, unafraid to challenge your assumptions, and pushes you outside of your comfort zone at a very intentional pace, all the while using a high degree of EQ.

You won't find a coach with more applicable experience and a truly balanced approach. Some coaches are all soft-skills and lack the understanding that comes from actually running a business (or in Les's case, dozens of them). Others are like management consultants or org-design specialists but can't relate to the personal challenges and stresses faced by executives. Les deftly blends both side of the spectrum and delivers real executive development through his coaching.

"A great investment for me and my team."

The Predictable Success Online Acceleration Program has been a great investment for me and my team. It has helped us establish a shared vocabulary we now use when we talk about growth. It has been a great tool to help us openly discuss how we want to grow and the path we need to lay out to get there.

The video coaching sessions with Les have been especially useful to us as we worked through the implementation of our growth action plan. Les has helped facilitate how we can dig deeper into any execution potholes or barriers we encountered an overcome them.

Growing a business is not easy. Growing without a plan to handle the growth is a challenge. The Predictable Success Acceleration Program is helping us outline where we want to go, and how we need to build our business to get there.

"I didn’t always hear what I wanted, but I always heard what I needed to hear."

Working with Les has been one of the best decisions that I’ve made in the last several years.

As a part of our coaching sessions, Les helped me to see where we had gaps in the business and work through the process to close them. In our sessions we dealt with organizational issues, people issues, process issues and my own development as a leader. I didn’t always hear what I wanted, but I always heard what I needed to hear.

Les's coaching gave me the tools I needed to have the courageous conversations that we needed to have, and enabled me to do so in a positive and impactful way. The wealth of experience & knowledge that Les brings to the table provides a path forward in a practical and useful manner, rather than just the high-level theories that we so often read about. In almost every conversation, Les was able to shed light on a challenge, help me to see things through a new lens, and he would often provide a tool or action plan that I could put into immediate action.

If your business is having challenges as you grow, I would highly recommend investing in your future by working with Les. Your investment will pay significant dividends.

"Choosing Les as a mentor was the best decision I made for my business this year."

Choosing Les as a mentor was the best decision I made for my business this year.

Since we started working together, I’ve been able to make strides in growing, scaling and implementing processes in my business so that I am able to focus on the most important “needle-moving” aspects of my work.

More specifically, Les has helped me:

° Learn more about my ‘zone of genius’ as the visionary of the company and move out of the operator role and into the visionary role. In addition to improving efficiency within the business, this has made my day-to-day work much more enjoyable and fulfilling as well.

° Guide me through the process of outsourcing work to additional contractors as well as make my first full-time hire.

° Instill confidence in my business plan, product roadmap and funnels, as well as identify gaps and areas of opportunity (without overwhelming me or changing everything at once).

° Generously introduce me to peers within his own network when appropriate.

° Provide coaching that is clearly tailored to my personality and leadership style.

° Encourage me to grow outside my comfort zone and provide support along the way.

Above all, the opportunity to learn from someone like Les who has many years of experience has been invaluable for me. I especially appreciate the careful attention he took in the beginning to make sure that we worked towards my ultimate vision (instead of giving me a cookie-cutter plan), and his thoughtfulness towards decision making.

In Les, I know I’ve found a mentor who can help me grow for a long time. If you’re looking for a capable advisor who has years of experience, business, financial and marketing acumen, and a high level of emotional intelligence, I highly recommend Les!

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