I first ‘met’ Carol Roth just over a year ago, thanks to an online introduction courtesy of the inestimable Liz Marshall.
Carol was not only kind enough to help me with the launch of ‘Predictable Success‘, she quickly became one of its biggest boosters, handing out copies to people with a vengeance and generally telling everyone that they had to buy my book.
Despite the fact that Carol is incredibly intelligent, passionate about what she does, insightful, prolific (and gorgeous) and I’m, well….not, we became firm friends. Since then the TBW and I have enjoyed a number of hilarious evenings with Carol and Curt (her long-suffering and equally brilliant husband), and most recently the two of us had an opportunity to work together on the MSNBC ‘Your Business’ show (more on that later in the week).
So a couple of months ago, when Carol asked me if I would read a pre-release copy of her upcoming book, ‘The Entrepreneur Equation’ with a view to providing a testimonial, I had mixed feelings.
Of course I wanted to help Carol all I could – it was the least I could do – but I also feared that it would look like one of those ghastly back-scratching exercises that are all to prevalent on the interwebs. You know the sort of thing I mean:
So when I cracked open my copy of ‘The Entrepreneur Equation‘ on the Boston-New York Acela a few days later, then found that not only couldn’t I put it down, but I was annotating it like crazy (and irritating the heck out of Julie by incessantly reading snippets to her, when she had her own work to do), I was triply delighted: – For Carol, because she had written such a genuinely brilliant book; – For me, because I didn’t have to do the icky meh-blurb thing; – And for anyone who is even thinking of starting a business, because this great resource now exists to fill an enormous gap in start-up literature.
Here’s the testimonial I provided to Carol, and believe me, I mean every single word of it:
I get asked the question “Should I start my own business?” all the time, and I’ve never known what to say – until now. Now my answer is: “Read Carol Roth’s ‘The Entrepreneur Equation‘”.
It’s a no-brainer ‘must-read’ for anyone who is even vaguely thinking of starting their own business – and should also be read by their significant others, friends and family.I wish I’d had ‘The Entrepreneur Equation‘ available to me when I was running new venture incubation units world-wide – I’d have insisted every single applicant for our program purchase and read the book before even thinking of coming on our programs.
In a sea of feel-good ‘yes-you-can’ books that lure people into mindlessly wasting their limited time and resources on business ideas that don’t stand up, ‘The Entrepreneur Equation‘ stands alone as a masterly, compelling reality check that every would-be entrepreneur disregards at their peril.
The bottom line? If you or anyone you know is even thinking of starting a new business, go get this book. I’m not going to even tell you about the incredible additional bonuses Carol is making available, because frankly, in my view, the most important thing is that you get the book.Full disclosure: While I have zero financial or other interest in Carol’s book, if you buy it, she may well give me a hug next time I see her.
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